Ok, we've been here since 8pm last night 3/17. Definitely missed the window for a St Paddy's day baby girl. Yeesin got a pictosin (sp?) drip this morning at 8am, got her water broken at about 10am. Here's the latest status: (Hit refresh for the latest)
10.30am - I discover a FULLY stocked kitchen in the maternity ward. Sneaking in a sandwich and a quick glass of milk. Poor Yeesin gets to snack on ice chips.
10.45am - Yeesin gets her first Epidural shot, process to put it in appears painfully...err painful, but 30+ minnutes later... Smile on her face...
11am - Dialated from 1+cm to 2cm. We improved 100% ;)
11.30-2.30pm - Somewhere along the way, she moved from 2cm to 5.5cm to 6cm... crawling along.
3.30pm - Yeesin's at 6cm, ya... we are still moving forward. Terri offered to help and she's gonna to to our place to feed Benji & let him out (Thanks Terri!)
4.00pm- Epidural booster... ahhh Yeesin looks much better now.
4.30pm - She's at 7cm now. looks like we are moving at a faster pace. Epi is working really great, she's taking a quick nap now!
5.40pm - Nurse Kathy just came in. Stalled out at 7cm now, she just dialed up the pictosin to speed things up a little more.
6.40pm - Still stalled out at 7cm. cranking up the pictosin another notch. Kathy's saying adios and getting ready to handoff to the 7pm nurse. They are showing the Scrubs episode where Carla and Turk are having their baby... How appropriate! :)
7.40pm- Night nurse Jessica came by, and we improved to an 8! Dialed up the pitosin another notch, looks like we're getting some more traction now! Yeesin's pain level got dialed up at the same time, so Nurse Lisa came in with some Epi-Candy, and 10+ minutes again, Yeesin is in Epi-Heaven...
8.40pm - Frustrated. We are stalled again, with barely a movement to 8.5cm. They shut of the Pitosin temporarily to see if they can jump start the contractions and give baby a rest. C-Section is being talked as an option.
9.45pm - Elaine and Kyle came by and tau-pau'ed some food to us earlier. Yeesin's parents must be starved by now, and the timing was perfect for the food. Elaine and Kyle are going to stop by the house and let Benj out again as well... (Thanks!). Its taking longer to have this baby than most TV episodes.
10pm - Restarted pictosin, adjusted yeesin to another position to see if she'll dilate some more. Doctor wants to give us the best opportunity for a vaginal birth...
10.45pm - Nurses come in, and adjust Yeesin to yet another position. We're hearing whispering that we might need to do C-Section...
11:30pm - All that repositioning finally worked! Baby's moved into a great position, and Yeesin's dilated to 10cm... All a go for Natural Birth!
12:26am - March 19th 2008 - Annoucing Jazlyn Jiawen Yeoh, 6 lbs 5oz, 19 inches! Mom and baby are doing great! Hear from the nurses that most of them at the nurses station were betting that we would be C-section, Yeesin proved them wrong, GREAT JOB MOM! 28 hours after showing up to be induced, we have a new addition to the family!
N.B - For those of you that scrolled all the way down here, you're rewarded with a quick pick of Jazlyn!
Latest Update: The St Luke photographer came by earlier this morning and
here are some of the shots that she took!