Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Its about time they fought each other!

For those of you that have fought the HMO vs Hospital billing battles before in your life, you guys will probably appreciate the irony of this following post!

So, I open up another letter from our HMO provider, in the back of my mind fearing its another "Please pay me" letter that we have to call to contest, but this time, the tables were turned!

Turns out our HMO overpaid our Wallaby (UV treatment for Jaz' Jaundice) provider Apria by a whopping $81.02!!! and we don't have to do anything! YES, its about time that our healthcare system fights itself for a change! Hilarious to see the way the letter was written, mostly the part where they will continue to write each other if there is a need to appeal, etc....... I'm wondering how many man-hours each of them will expend trying to sort this out! Guessing more than $80!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Jaz is one month!

Time sure flies. Jazlyn is 1 month old already! Still a little weird for both of us to track birthdays in weeks vs years, and we're finally getting used an extra person (albiet a little loud) being in the home.For her 1 month birthday, she got her 2nd shot of Hep-B from the doctors office, somehow we don't think she enjoyed that one. :)

Now that she's 4 weeks, we finally can take her outside for prolonged periods of time! YA!!!!!!!! I guess we missed being out and about more than she did! Spent her 1 month weekend bringing her out to outdoor malls in town and letting her grandparents shop around at the same time!

As for ourselves? We celebrated surviving the first 4 weeks of parenthood with our very own first post-parenthood Date-Night @ Melbees! They ran a $50 a couple Date-Night special every Monday in April. Includes a bottle of wine, 2 starters, a shared entree, and a dessert pair! I was afraid that the portion would be elf-sized, but plesantly surprised that we left the place really full! It was an AWESOME meal, defintely worth the $50!!! (Menu here is anyone is curious.)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

A Really-Really Decaf Latte Please.

Its 2:30pm on a wonderful 60 degree Spring Saturday afternoon. We're posting from the local Starbucks (a.ka. five-bucks) patio, enjoying 2 cups of java and the weather. A little bit nippy out here, but the sunlight is a nice change from the dreary last couple of rainy days. Jaz is with us here too, enjoying her very own special Starbucks blen of hot-water dipped milk bottle. You could say, she's having a really-really decafed-latte.... ;) Hmmm, I wonder if Starbucks will sell us branded milk bottles?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bank error in your favor??!!

You know, Yeesin always razzes me about checking the mailbox religiously rain, shine, sleet or hail... My reasoning is that "who knows? Maybe someday I'll get money for no reason".... WELL BABY, someday FINALLY came along, but there IS a reason. :)

In a nondescript envelope from Genworth Financial was a nice sized check with a brief explaination about a PMI refund. A few calls to our mortgage company and Genworth later, I'm confident its not a scam, and it is in fact legit. :) Turns out that lenders have to auto-refund your PMI insurance once your home equity passes 80%, read more here.
So, not a scam, not an ERROR. AWESOME! Goes into Jazlyn's College fund!

In other news, Jazlyn is 2 weeks old today, and in her checkup today she weighed in at 6lbs 7ozs, just a tad over her birth weight! YA!!! This means that we won't have to obsess too much about feeding her on a set schedule, and waking her up from her sweet slumber to feed. So, this very afternoon, she sleeps on gently, chasing milk bottles in her dreams... :)