I don't think we will be mistaken as locals over in Italy on Friday... So, might as well embrace the experience, and be labeled as tourists!
Its 3 days away now, and we spent a few hours this weekend packing!
We've already memorized some really really important phrases already that we think we might need in Italy. Yeesin's favourite one is "Idiota!" ; which I think we'll try not say so much... Not sure if we'll need to be annoying and try to speak really really LOUD and SLLOOOW for those non-english speakers... But I'm sure that we will be able to get by.
On second thought, maybe she can reserve that Idiota phrase if we meet the "Mi-Scuci" guy on our train from Rome to Florence to Venice! That one is for the people who watched "Eurotrip" with us... Hopefully I won't have to fight a mime outside of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence as well...
Still, a vacation is A VACATION!....
I will be nice to get away from everything and have a nice time...
Oh well... Back to packing and double checking stuff...