Happy new year all! Its been a really hectic week after the New Year at work, so we're squeezing some time over the weekend to post our pictures! Spent this year's NYE celebration at 12Baltimore @ Downtown.... Steve+Munsum, Kyle+Elaine joined us for the festivities as well! For the whole week prior, we were all scouring the Internet for an affordable place to spend the evening. With most places charging $75 per person, $50 per couple was a STEAL!!!! We're are not cheap, just thrifty... ;) Here's YS and Munsum celebrating the savings !!!
The price did come with a "price" though, as we had to show up at the place @ 7.30PM since the buffet ended at 9.00pm! Food wasn't that great, just the regular run of the mill appetizer stuff, which they took away promptly @ 9pm! Man, I guess they were serious about last call for food at 8.45... However, the company of the remaining 2 Malaysians + 2 half Malaysians made the night great! Check out the amazing straw + cake + cold cheese dip sculpture that we made over on the picture on the right!!!! I suspect alchohol might have been a factor there...
Midnight came in almost a jiffy, with the place passing out Champagne and party favors just 15 minutes before the final minutes. The live jazz band did a pretty good job of entertaining us at the same time, compared to a previous NYE where we went to another local bar that had a 5 foot elvis impersonator singing!!! With Auld Lang Synde (I think that's how it's spelled...) in the back ground, and champagne toasts and with all of us blowing those paper horns, 2007 came...
HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL !!!!!!!!!!!