Sunday, January 21, 2007

Behold the Great Sphinx of Olathe!

So what do you do when you are snowed in in Olathe, and have to shovel out your own driveway? Well... you build a GREAT SPHINX of course! Unlike the last ice storm that came by last week, snow is defintely easier to shovel... ;) We had decided that driving the SUV to avoid shovelling the driveway is getting waaaay to expensive gas-wise, so it was time to break out the snow-shovel and push some snow+ice around! 1 hour later, the Beetle side of the driveway was clear, and I even had time to build myself a nice snow sclupture!!!

However, unlike the real Great Sphinx, I didn't have 10,000 slaves at my disposal ; just yours truly! What do you guys think!??!


Lynda Ng said...

looks cool....looks cold too...;)

Nick 10 said...

Whoa....I guess I can now cancel my trip to Egypt and just make my way to KC to view the Great Sphinx...:) lol