Yes. Its that time of the year again, long evenings sipping lemonade at the yard, hailing the ice-cream van by the park for $1.50 popsicles, and of course, when Benj has to get his hair cut... Nothing more invigorating as a Sunday afternoon chasing our Benji around with a shaver!. As with all haircutting sessions with Benj, he almost always has a sixth sense for deception on our part. Be it our sneaky tone of voice... "Come here boy...Come on here, we've got a present for you...."... or that shaver that we trying to hide (unsuccesfully) behind our bodies, trying to corral him while he tries to sneak himself underneath the nearest chair in sight.
Or, perhaps its the fact that any haircut involving 1 person holding you down, while the other tries to shave your crotch, inherently evokes some sense of concern on your part... Or just the day before, you had the neighborhood doggy-girls complementing your long locks of blond/gray hair... I hate to put words in Benj's mouth, but I really think any haircut that makes you look like a cross between a Gremlin and a teddy bear would be a cause for concern, as well as put a damper on your social life!
BTW, its 9:45pm and i'm still working too. So that puts a damper on our social life as well!!!
Awwww...poor Benj looks all bald :) I MISS HIM!
And mister what are you still doing at work at that ungodly hour???
Hmm... one person holding you down and the other trying to shave your crotch...
I can picture it now... and it seems like a scene from the twillight zone...
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