This year instead of the 5 ft Elvis impersonator in Westport, we went with Spanish style rapping in Matadors at Midtown...
Liquor apparently makes the music sound better as the night progressed. As you can see, by about mid-night, a red faced Clarice was making Pink Bunny impersonation with Steve watching in horror. Heck, the service wasn't even that good last night, but again, a pitcher of Sangria and later another pitcher of Mojito's were the ultimate Mood Enhancers!
Buried amongst my many resolutions, right beside "Drive more Aggressively", is to "Be less Passive Aggressive", which shall be henceforth refered to as "PA". In the past few days, I have been asked by some of my friends on how PA is defined, so I thought I'd take a few moments to blog:
Excerpt from my Passive Aggressive Guide for Dummies:
PA Phrase: "Hmm...I don't know what's wrong with me tonight, for no reason at all, I suddenly feel very tired...AND it is 11 pm already.... *YAWN*
Real Meaning: "I'm tired, shut up and lets go to sleep!"
PA Phrase: I bet you didn't sleep well last night. Look at the time, I hope you don't have a 8 o'clock meeting, coz traffic is going to be crazy this time of the morning.
Real Meaning:Wife, I'll be late to work, get your ass out of bed now!"
So anyway! Happy New Year! Hope everyone can help their resolutions past the 1st Quarter!