Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Post - Christmas...

Merry Post-Christmas, after a 5 day weekend we finally go back to work today... Kind of a bittersweet feeling for both of us. Though its nice to have a looong weekend, we can only watch so much TV before we both get bored. By the way, we watched like 12 hours of season 3 of "24" too... :)

So, with "kids" gone to Chicago & Dallas over the weekend we went over to Clarice & Steve's where we got a very informative yet slightly disturbing demonstration of how yoga and alcohol don't go well together...

This year both of us agreed not to give each other presents...Well, that didn't work out too well!
Benji was the first recipient of our indiscretion! Instead of a regular Gingerbread house, he got a "Bone-treat house" instead. The house was made up of rawhide, with doggie treats for the roof and windows and door!! Benji was practically drooling on top of the wrapping paper when he saw it... Binx on the other hand was a tougher customer... Not so impressed with the bones. He got a handful of vegetables instead, which he loved! BTW, he's the only vegetable loving dog that we know!

What about us? Well, I managed to sneak a cool looking "Y" pendant purchase for Yeesin before I broke down and gave it to her a couple of days before Christmas... I don't think she was mad at me for breaking the No-Present Rule... ;)

Finally, what did I get? I get to be part of the iPOD World via my NEW IPOD NANO! I love my NANO... Its like the cooolest thing ever. Kinda a little OCD now, just looking at it and touching it, listening to the sweet "clicking" noise as I brush my fingers over the click wheel... Ahhh.............


Anonymous said...

Woohoo..NANO!!!! That's SWEET! ;) Welcome to the IPOD world mann.
All I could do now is to wish for a new 60GB IPOD Video! ;p

Nick 10 said...