Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve & Benji's Middle Name

So, its Christmas eve today, and we are trying to avoid the last minute crowds at the malls by staying home and catching up on our recorded shows on Tivo.
Then we came upon Benji's prescription for his skin problem that we blogged about a week ago. I think it doesn't bother us that we got doggy medicine at at human pharmacy. Apparently dogs/cats etc can consume the same drugs that we do. What's really interesting is that Benj was given a new middle name... "dog". So, with that logic, I guess that pharmacists probably has issued drugs to pets with names like "Fluffles Cat Johnson" or "Bob Boa-Constrictor Smith".... :)
Have a Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

We are going to Clarice & Steve's tonight...

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